Video Testimonials
Ashley & Polly
It's wonderful to see Polly absolutely shine when she talks about her new body and 'lightstyle' as she calls it.
Her burden of heaviness has lifted and she can enjoy all of the benefits that comes from releasing the shackles of unsustainable weight loss through willpower alone.
So far Polly has released 23kg and over 83cm.
Please email to schedule your free 30 minute personalised consultation.
Ashley & Raneem
Raneem talks to Ashley about how she dropped two dress sizes in eight weeks. This is something she never thought was possible after trying to lose weight so many times. Weight loss was not the only amazing outcome, everything changed and now she can get on with enjoying the body she loves. Raneem is my youngest client so far and this means that she can experience her 20's, 30's and beyond without having to yoyo diet throughout life. Wonderful.
Please email to schedule your free 30 minute personalised consultation.
Ashley & Martha
Martha Kelly had tried so many diets and had almost given up believing that weight loss was possible. After only eight weeks, everything changed. She not only lost weight but her measurement were incredible. Here she talks about her experience.
Please email to schedule your free 30 minute personalised consultation.
Ashley & Reem
In this video, Reem talks about her experience of not only dropping 3+ dress sizes but truly changing the way she has felt about her body for decades. After trying almost every diet out there, exercising like crazy and still not feel happy within her body, Reem has now freed herself of yo-yo dieting and enjoying life to the Max.
Please email to schedule your free 30 minute personalised consultation.
Ashley & Michelle
Michelle lost almost 15KG and 87cm in eight weeks. She had a lot of inflammation which was creating various aches and pains. In this Video Michelle shares her experience of her weightless journey and how she is feeling amazing without the pain. Her extra kg's are literally melting away and her emotional transformation is inspirational. So much more than weight loss.
Please email to schedule your free 30 minute personalised consultation.
Ashley & Rosana
Rosana won a free place on the 8 week 1:1coaching after watching a Melissa Murrell styling video. We had a great time together.
Here Rosana talks about her amazing results 🌟
She not only reached her goal weight and lost 22inches, she felt absolutely FABULOUS.
Please email to schedule your free 30 minute personalised consultation.